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Personal Solutions
Domestic Package
The domestic package policy has been designed to meet home insurance needs and is divided into the following sections in order to better cater for individual needs:
- Section A – Building(s)
- Section B – Household Contents
- Section C – “All Risks”
- Section D – Work Injury Benefits
- Sections E & F – Occupier’s or Owner’s Liability.
Cover under Sections D, E & F cannot however be taken by themselves and must be coupled with buildings and/or contents Sections.
The All Risks section can only be taken along with the Contents Section.
Section A – Buildings(s)
This section covers, subject to Policy terms & conditions, the residential building in case of loss or damage caused by:
- Fire, Lightning, Thunderbolt, Earthquake or Volcanic Eruption (including Flood or Overflow of the sea occasioned thereby) or Subterranean Fire.
- Explosion.
- Riot and strike.
- Aircraft or other Aerial Device or any article dropped therefrom.
- Bursting or overflowing of a Water Tank Apparatus or Pipe excluding:-
- Theft accompanied by actual forcible and violent breaking into or out of the buildings or any attempt thereat excluding loss or damage occurring whilst the buildings are left unfurnished.
- Impact with the building by any road vehicle or animal not belonging to the insured or any member of his family normally residing with him.
- Storm or Tempest (including flood or overflow of the sea occasioned thereby) but excluding damage caused by subsidence or landslip or damage to any building in the course of construction reconstruction or repairs (unless all outside doors windows and other openings thereto are complete and protected against such perils) awnings, blinds, signs, external television and radio antennae, aerials aerial fittings, masts and towers or other outdoor fixtures and fittings including gates and fences.
And in addition
- Additional expenses of alternative accommodation and loss of rent (not exceeding ten percent of the sum insured) in the event of the buildings being so damaged by any of the above perils as to be rendered uninhabitable.
Section B – Contents
This section covers, subject to Policy terms & conditions, loss or damage to household contents caused by any of the perils covered under Section (A) above in addition to:
- Additional expenses of alternative accommodation and loss of rent (not exceeding ten percent of the sum insured) in the event of the private dwelling buildings being so damaged by any of the above perils as to be rendered uninhabitable.
- Damage to the buildings mentioned in the Schedule and/or Landlord’s Fixtures and Fittings therein for which the insured is legally responsible as tenant and not as owner (but only if the private dwelling house or private flat mentioned in the Schedule be furnished and occupied) directly caused by Storm or Tempest (but excluding destruction or damage by Subsidence or Landslip), Bursting or Overflowing of Watertank Apparatus Pipe, Theft accompanied by actual forcible and violent breaking into or out of the buildings or any attempt thereat provided.
The policy however does not cover: –
(i) Property more specifically insured.
(ii) Deeds, Bonds, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Cheques, Travellers Cheques, Securities for Money, Stamps, Documents of any kind, Cash, Currency, Notes, Manuscripts, Medals, Coins, Motor Vehicles and Accessories and Livestock unless specifically mentioned herein.
(iii) Any part of the structure or ceilings of the buildings, wallpapers and the like or external television and radio antennae, aerial fittings, masts and towers.
Note 1
The sum insured must be the current market value or current replacement cost less reasonable deduction for wear and tear and age.
Note 2
Under the policy no single article is deemed to be worth more than 5 % of the total sum insured unless such article is specifically insured. As such it is advisable to submit a list of all the items insured including their values.
Note 3.
The total value of all jewellery and valuables will be deemed not to exceed 1/3rd of the total sum insured unless the value of jewellery and valuables is separately declared.
Note 4.
The cover under the Contents Section ceases if the building is left unoccupied for more than 7 consecutive days and as such you should consult us prior to leaving the house for longer than 7 days in order that you may obtain advice on restrictions and cover.
Section C – All Risks
All Risks Insurance covers Loss or Damage to Jewellery, Gold and Silver Plate and other specified valuables caused by Burglary, Fire, Theft from Person, Loss in Transit or whilst travelling, accidental damage etc.
Principle exclusions include loss or damage as a result of:-
War, Civil Commotion, Wear and Tear, Depreciation and Damage due to Moth or by process of Repairing, Restoring or Renovating.
Sections E & F – Owners’ & Occupiers’ Liability
These sections indemnify the insured against legal liability incurred to third parties as a direct consequence of being an owner or the occupiers of the residential premises.
In addition, the Insurer will pay all costs and expenses recovered from the Insured by any claimant and/or incurred with the written consent of the Insurer in resisting any claim.