
Handle your premiums conveniently.

Payment Method

  • Dial *150*60#
  • Choose 5-Make Payments
  • Choose 1-Merchant Payments
  • Choose 1-Pay with SelcomPay/Masterpass
  • Enter Amount
  • Enter the reference number (Pay Number)
  • Enter PIN
  • You will receive confirmation SMS

  • Piga *150*60#
  • Chagua 5-Lipia Bili
  • Chagua 1-Lipia bidhaa
  • Chagua 1-Lipa kwa SelcomPay/Masterpass
  • Ingiza kiasi
  • Ingiza namba ya kumbukumbu(PayNumber)
  • Ingiza namba ya siri (PIN)
  • Utapokea ujumbe wa uthibitisho

Payment Method

  • Dial *150*01#
  • Choose 7 – Financial Services
  • Choose 6 – Selcom Pay
  • Enter Pay Number
  • Enter amount
  • Enter PIN
  • You will receive a confirmation SMS

  • Piga *150*01#
  • Chagua 7 – Huduma za Kifedha
  • Chagua 6 – Selcom Pay
  • Ingiza namba ya malipo (Pay Number)
  • Ingiza Kiasi
  • Ingiza namba ya siri (PIN)
  • Utapokea ujumbe wa uthibitisho

Payment Method

  • Dial *150*02#
  • Choose 5 – Payments
  • Choose 1 – Lipa Hapa
  • Choose 2 – Pay by Masterpass QR
  • Enter Merchant Number (Pay Number)
  • Enter Amount
  • Enter PIN
  • You will receive a confirmation SMS

  • Piga *150*02#
  • Chagua 5 – Malipo
  • Chagua 1 – Lipa Hapa
  • Chagua 2 – Lipa kwa Masterpass QR
  • Ingiza namba ya mfanyabiashara

(Pay Number)

  • Ingiza kiasi
  • Ingiza PIN
  • Utapokea ujumbe wa uthibitisho

Payment Method

  • Dial *150*88#
  • Choose 5 – Pay Merchant
  • Choose 3 – Selcom Pay/Masterpass
  • Enter Pay Number (Pay Number)
  • Enter amount
  • Enter PIN
  • You will receive confirmation SMS

  • Piga *150*88#
  • Chagua 5 – Lipia Bidhaa
  • Chagua 3 – Selcom Pay/Masterpass
  • Ingiza Namba ya Malipo (Pay Number)
  • Ingiza Kiasi
  • Ingiza namba ya siri (PIN)
  • Utapokea ujumbe wa uthibitisho

Payment Method

  • Dial *150*00#
  • Choose 4 – Lipa by M-Pesa
  • Choose 4 – Enter business number
  • Enter 123123 (As Selcom Pay/Masterpass business number)
  • Enter reference number (Pay Number)
  • Enter amount
  • Enter PIN
  • You will receive a confirmation SMS

  • Piga *150*00#
  • Chagua 4 – Lipa kwa M-Pesa
  • Chagua 4 – Ingiza namba ya kampuni
  • Ingiza 123123 (Kama namba ya biashara ya SelcomPay/Masterpass)
  • Ingiza namba ya kumbukumbu (Pay Number)
  • Ingiza Kiasi
  • Ingiza namba ya siri (PIN)
  • Utapokea ujumbe wa uthibitisho

Payment Method

  • Dial *150*71#
  • Choose 6 – Pay Merchant
  • Choose 2 – SelcomPay/Masterpass
  • Enter Pay Number (Pay Number)
  • Enter amount
  • Enter PIN
  • You will receive confirmation SMS

  • Piga *150*71#
  • Chagua 6 – Lipa Bidhaa
  • Chagua 2 – SelcomPay/Masterpass
  • Ingiza Namba ya Malipo (Pay Number)
  • Ingiza Kiasi
  • Ingiza namba ya siri (PIN)
  • Utapokea ujumbe wa uthibitisho

Payment Method

  • Dial *150*50#
  • Enter PIN
  • Choose 2 – Selcom Pay/Masterpass
  • Enter Pay Number (Pay Number)
  • Enter Amount
  • Please confirm payment by entering 1
  • You will receive confirmation SMS

  • Piga *150*50#
  • Ingiza namba ya siri (PIN)
  • Chagua 2 – Selcom Pay/Masterpass
  • Ingiza Pay namba (Pay Number)
  • Ingiza Kiasi
  • Tafadhali thibitisha malipo kwa kuingiza 1
  • Utapokea ujumbe wa uthibitisho